nd-octree data-structure and algorithms
math.hpp File Reference

Math utilities. More...


 Mathematical utilities.


template<class Int , CONCEPT_REQUIRES_(Integral< Int >{}) >
constexpr Int ndtree::v1::math::ipow (const Int b, const Int e)
 Computes b^e for (b,e) integers. More...
template<class Float , CONCEPT_REQUIRES_(std::is_floating_point< Float >{}) >
constexpr Float ndtree::v1::math::floor (Float x)
 Constexpr version of cmath floor. More...
template<class Int , CONCEPT_REQUIRES_(Integral< Int >{}) >
constexpr Int ndtree::v1::math::factorial (const Int n) noexcept
 Computes the factorial of n. More...
template<class Int , CONCEPT_REQUIRES_(Integral< Int >{}) >
constexpr Int ndtree::v1::math::binomial_coefficient (const Int n, const Int m) noexcept
 Computes the binomial coefficient (n m) More...

Detailed Description

Math utilities.