nd-octree data-structure and algorithms
ndtree::v1::tree< nd > Struct Template Reference


template<int nd>
struct ndtree::v1::tree< nd >

nd-octree data-structure


Spatial constants

static constexpr int_t dimension () noexcept
 Number of spatial dimensions of the tree.
static constexpr auto dimensions () noexcept
 Range of spatial dimensions of the tree: [0, nd)
static constexpr uint_t no_children () noexcept
 Number of children per node.
static constexpr uint_t position_in_parent (node_idx n) noexcept
 Position of node n within its parent. More...

Graph edges (parent/children)

using child_pos = bounded< uint_t, 0, no_children(), struct child_pos_tag >
 Child position type is a uint_t bounded in [0, no_children)
static constexpr siblings_idx sibling_group (node_idx n) noexcept
 Index of the sibling group of node n.
static constexpr auto child_positions () noexcept
 Range of child positions: [0, no_children)
static constexpr auto nodes (siblings_idx s) noexcept
 Nodes in sibling group s.
static constexpr bool is_root (node_idx n) noexcept
 Is n the root node?
node_idx parent (siblings_idx s) const noexcept
 Index of the parent node of the sibling group s.
node_idx parent (node_idx n) const noexcept
 Index of the parent node of node n.
siblings_idx children_group (node_idx n) const noexcept
 Index of the group of children of node n.
node_idx child (node_idx n, child_pos p) const noexcept
 Child node at position p of node n.
auto children (node_idx n) const noexcept
 Range of children nodes of node n.
void set_first_free_sibling_group (siblings_idx s) noexcept
 Sets the first free sibling group to s.
auto operator() () const noexcept
 All nodes in use within the tree (fast and safe) More...
auto nodes () const noexcept
 All nodes in use within the tree (slow and safe) More...
auto leaf () const noexcept
 Range filter that selects leaf nodes only.
auto with_children () const noexcept
 Range filter that selects nodes with children only.
bool is_leaf (node_idx n) const noexcept
 Is node n a leaf node? (That is, does it have zero children?)
uint_t no_children (node_idx n) const noexcept
 Number of childrens of the node n.
bool is_compact () const noexcept
 Does the tree have a compact representation? More...

Memory management

static constexpr siblings_idx no_sibling_groups (node_idx no_nodes) noexcept
 Number of sibling groups required to hold no_nodes nodes.
static constexpr node_idx no_nodes (siblings_idx no_sibling_groups) noexcept
 Number of nodes that can be holded by no_sibling_groups sibling groups.
siblings_idx sibling_group_capacity () const noexcept
 Maximum number of sibling groups that the tree can hold.
node_idx capacity () const noexcept
 Maximum number of nodes that the tree can hold.
node_idx size () const noexcept
 Number of nodes in the tree.
bool empty () const noexcept
 Is the tree empty?
siblings_idx refine (node_idx p) noexcept
 Refine node p and returns children group idx. More...
void coarsen (node_idx p) noexcept
 Coarsen node p. More...
void swap (siblings_idx a, siblings_idx b) noexcept
 Swaps the memory location of the sibling groups a and b. More...

Public Member Functions

 tree (uint_t node_capacity)
 Creates a tree with capacity for at least cap nodes and initializes it with a root node.

Member Function Documentation

template<int nd>
static constexpr uint_t ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::position_in_parent ( node_idx  n)

Position of node n within its parent.

n == child(parent(n), position_in_parent(n))

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::no_children().

template<int nd>
auto ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::operator() ( ) const

All nodes in use within the tree (fast and safe)

the tree must be compact

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::is_compact().

template<int nd>
auto ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::nodes ( ) const

All nodes in use within the tree (slow and safe)

The tree does not need to be compact

Referenced by ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::swap().

template<int nd>
bool ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::is_compact ( ) const

Does the tree have a compact representation?

That is, no free sibling groups before the last sibling group in use.

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::sibling_group(), and ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::size().

Referenced by ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::operator()().

template<int nd>
siblings_idx ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::refine ( node_idx  p)

Refine node p and returns children group idx.

If refinement failed returns nothing.

!is_free(p) && is_leaf(p)
!is_free(p) && !is_leaf(p)

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::capacity(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::children(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::is_leaf(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::no_children(), and ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::size().

template<int nd>
void ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::coarsen ( node_idx  p)

Coarsen node p.

!is_free(p) && !is_leaf(p) && is_leaf(children group of p)
!is_free(p) && is_leaf(p) && is_free(children group of p)

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::children_group(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::is_leaf(), and ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::no_children().

template<int nd>
void ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::swap ( siblings_idx  a,
siblings_idx  b 

Swaps the memory location of the sibling groups a and b.

no sibling group can be swapped with the root's node sibling group
no sibling group can be swapped with itself
not thread safe

1) swap siblings -> children edges, and children -> sibling edges:

2) swap parent -> sibling edges, and sibling -> parent edges:

3) update the first free sibling group flag:

  • if one of the nodes is inactive:

References ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::children_group(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::nodes(), ndtree::v1::tree< nd >::parent(), and ndtree::v1::bit::swap().